The Wedding Pie

The wedding pie... you may be wondering what this is. Well, usually you have certain aspects of your wedding which take priority with respect to your budget.Your wedding pie shows you and divides these items into the order in which you prioritize them. With each wedding it will be different depending on personality preferences and even budget. Here are a few items which we have found are ranked as high priority in terms on budget.

  • Photography
  • Catering
  • Wedding Coordinator
  • Venue 
  • Wedding Attire

You need to think of what is most important to you and means enough for you to spend a majority of your budget. This is somthing that becomes very difficult as you of course wish to make everything single part of your wedding a priority.

Here is an example of a wedding pie to give you an idea of what some people choose as important for their wedding:

What ranks of high priority for your wedding?

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