Getting married in Barbados is very easy.

There is no waiting period or minimum length of stay to get married in Barbados. All you need are the following documents to be produced by both the Bride and Groom at the Ministry of Home Affairs, that we arrange for you upon your arrival in the island:

  • Valid Passports or the original or certified copies of birth certificates
  • If either party was divorced, an original Decree Absolute or a certified copy of The Final Judgement.
  • If either party was previously married and widowed, a Certified cBarbados requirements for Marriageopy of the Marriage Certificate and Death Certificate in respect of the deceased spouse.
  • Where necessary, all documents not in English must be accompanied by a certified translation.
  • Fees included in all Wedding Experiences.

If the Bride and Groom decide that they want to get married in a church, the couple needs a written confirmation from their priest that they are both practicing Christians and have participated in pre-marital counselling.
Roman Catholic weddings arranged by special request.
If you are requesting a Roman Catholic Church wedding these are the requirements needed:

  • Parties must be interviewed by their Parish Priest in the home Diocese of the Catholic party. It is he who will undertake the necessary investigations, obtain a dispensation if required and provide information about participation in a pre-marriage preparation programme. Your Parish Priest will then forward the relevant papers to his Diocesan Chancery. The chancery should then send them well in advance, to the Diocesan office in Barbados.
  • Marriages may not be celebrated on Holy Saturday or other than in a church.
  • A Barbados Marriage License is also required, and can be obtained form the Ministry of Home Affairs in Barbados